Container Shipping

HomeContainer Shipping


Whether you are shipping just a few items of personal effects or moving the full contents of your family home we have container shipping services to suit your budget.

Our packing systems allow for the safest method of sharing space inside containers allowing you substantial savings on your shipping costs.

For those larger full house moves, we offer packing and loading directly from your front door into the shipping lines own containers. We can also collect your goods and return them to our own warehouse should you require our bespoke shrink fastpacking services.





Solutions To Help Delivery

We are with you every step of the way, Tell us about your planned relocation.

    FragileExpress deliveryInsurancePackaging

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      Our address:

      P O Box: 37263, Ras Al Khaima, UAE

      Our phone:

      +971 56131 4442

      Our email: